About Us

Our Story

SVC staff group picture in front of the church building

In 2021, a team of college friends and volunteers moved to Silicon Valley with a vision of starting a Christian community modeled after the early church (pictured in Acts 2). For many of us, college was a transformative time when Jesus’ call (Matt 28) captured our hearts as we experienced the power of God’s word and the richness of a biblical community. The Gospel changed our lives and we share in a vision to create that same kind of transformative Acts2 community for students here in Silicon Valley.

Meet Some of Our Campus Staff

Meet Our Directors

Steve & Suzanne

SVC directors Steve and Suzanne with their 2 kids smiling in front of water

Steve grew up in Southern California attending church, and after high school moved to Berkeley and studied Architecture. He planned to slowly “fade away” and jump instead into the freedom of college life, but God had other plans for his freshman year, as he experienced the word of God coming alive and addressing him personally and shortly after, he gave his life to following Jesus—and the rest is history!

Suzanne's aim after graduating UC Berkeley was to be a successful Asian American female living alone in a flat overlooking the San Francisco bay, sipping a latte while climbing the ranks of a Big Four Firm. But during her senior year, God changed that direction when she met Jesus and gave her life to his cause of ministering to college students, and her life has never been the same.

Steve and Suzanne lead our SVC church. They have a huge heart for students and youth ministry and founded Area Youth Ministry, a para-church organization where college students and alumni mentor students nationwide to strengthen their Christian faith. Their mission is to gospelize and engage the next generation of students for Christ. They have two children: a son who just graduated from Purdue and a daughter who just started at UCSB.